2010/06/07 murmur 匯總如下:
- 18:24 說 Effectiveness of teaching EBM plurk.com/p/5ltj26 #
- 23:24 說 WB Yeats: The purpose of education is not to fill a pail, but to light a fire. plurk.com/p/5m0h15 #
- 10:53 說 tinyurl.com/28872ys (Validation of the Fresno test of competence in evidence based medicine, BMJ Febr... plurk.com/p/5l0n1d #
- 10:55 說 tinyurl.com/26gmlmv (the Berlin q - Do short courses in EBM improve knowledge and skills? BMJ Dec 7,... plurk.com/p/5l0nuq #
- 06:44 說 tinyurl.com/25uay35 (beta version of evidence 'hierarchy' from Oxford's Centre for EBM) plurk.com/p/5i9rbs #
- 06:44 說 又是一年一度重新檢視「實證」的時間了… plurk.com/p/5i9rfr #
- 07:00 分享 madox.org/ (MaDOx - the Monitoring and Diagnosis and Horizon Scanning programmes, by Oxford PHC). plurk.com/p/5i9uoq #
- 11:18 說 Off-label use plurk.com/p/5id87s #
- 18:06 說 好像有點感冒,頭昏昏的… plurk.com/p/5hwe58 #
- 20:57 說 原來今天是 戒臉書日 (5/31) Quit Facebook Day... plurk.com/p/5i056g #